
Spiritual Stomach Flu

Have you ever had the Stomach Flu? Let me tell you it is no fun.

What happens when we have the Stomach Flu? We throw up and/or have diarrhea. Why does our body have this kind of reaction? We throw up because our stomach is either too full or is irritated. What can cause irritation? Normally it is because of a virus or bacteria. (Same thing with diarrhea) How do we get these bacteria or viruses? Mostly by having dirty hands and eating contaminated food. One very important thing to watch out for is dehydration. (I will talk more about this in my next post)

 We eat something that we shouldn't have (either by choice or by accident) and our body rejects it.

This is what happens spiritually.

Hebrews 12:1-2:

...let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us...Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus!...

When we indulge in sin (no matter what it is) it is like eating something that we shouldn't have. Our stomachs take it in but soon they realize that there is something wrong. So what is the first reaction? To get rid of it! This is how our spirits work also.

You know that when you are sick you don't feel like eating much and doing a whole lot. Even the simple things seem to take a lot of energy and you are really tired after. All you want to do is sleep. The same thing goes for our spirits.

Sleep heals the body. So what about our spirits? Jesus heals the spirit. We need to sleep in him so he can heal us! The more time you spend with him the better you will feel.

So what am I saying? I am saying just what Hebrews says. Lets get rid of all the stuff that entangles us and fix our eyes on Jesus! (get rid of the sin in our lives, sleep in Jesus and be healed!)  Happy Sleeping in Jesus!

All for Jesus!

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