
Spiritual Wheat

Caution: Adult content in this post!

Ok so for the past month (or so) I have been eating gluten-free. That means no wheat, rye, or anything like that; this also means no commercial flour. (Because everything is made with wheat flour or regular white flour (that is also wheat flour but it has been bleached.)) So this means no commercial bread, pasta, crackers, or pretty much any carbohydrates that you can buy at the store and have flour in them.

What can I eat? Pretty much everything else. All fruit, all vegetables, (except corn) milk and cheese, (although I don't eat a lot of dairy) and meat (although I don't eat pork or chicken) So if I were to make a list (and I have) of things I can and can't eat it looks like this:

Things I can't eat: Wheat, rye, spelt (that is made from wheat), corn, chicken, pork and a few other things.

Things I can eat: Bananas, oranges, grapes, apples, pineapples, carrots, green beans, peas, (although not very often) beef, (all kinds, ground beef, steak etc) turkey, (all kinds) milk, cheese, eggs, butter, mayo, most salad dressings, peaches, plumes. (I can have pasta, bread, etc as long as it is gluten-free)

So as you can see the list of things I can have is a lot longer then the things I can't. I just have to be more careful about what I eat. What I am learning is that wheat is everywhere and in everything (even places that you wouldn't think, like in a can of condensed soup. )

Why am I eating gluten-free? Because I have found that wheat is toxic to my body and makes me sick.

The same thing applies to our spiritual lives. There is spiritual wheat that has my generation sick and is slowly destroying us. It is everywhere and in everything. What am I talking about? Sex and Sexual Sin.

I remember walking down the halls and in the locker bays at my high school and seeing people make out in plain sight like it was no big deal! I know you have probably seen worse, but still. There is no need for this to go on!

We, as a generation, have become use to it.

I picked up book the other day and started to read it. I thought it was harmless. I had read other books by this same author and they were fine (except the part where the girl got raped, I didn't need details there) but other then that, no problem. I read the first 20 pages of this other book and I had to stop. In the book one of the characters was into pornography (and she (the author) gave details) and there was a part where this character even masturbated ( and she gave details) This was all in the first 20 pages of this book and the worst part was that I found the book at a Jr High Library!

My generation has grown up (and is growing up) thinking that having sex outside of marriage is normal and that it is ok to watch pornography and/or masturbate whenever you want. I have a huge problem with this!

There are consequences for our actions (some good and some bad ( in the case of sexual sin, they are bad)) Students (and people in general) that participate in sexual sin have spiritual, emotional and sometimes physical consequences.

Did you ever stop to think that there is a reason why Jesus said not to have sex before marriage and to stay away from all sexual sin? (I am talking about the whole spectrum (lustful thoughts, pornography, masturbation, fornication, adultery, rape, incest. etc)) He knew the damage it would do and wanted us to be spared from it!

Now let me touch on a couple of things here:

• First, is if you struggle with sexual sin (any part or parts) I want you to know that its ok. I don't think any less of you because you struggle with this and should know better. Jesus and I love you like crazy! The important part is that you recognize that it is wrong and you truly want to change. Cry out to Jesus! Repent (which means not only that you are sorry, but you make a complete 180 degree turn) and take steps to help you never go back there again. (If you want ideas or help on how to do so feel free to ask) Remember that Jesus is always with you; you are free in Jesus, and he will help you make the change for good! Jesus I speak complete and total healing and freedom! In Jesus Name!!

• Second, I know that it is not easy to stay away from sexual sin because it is everywhere. But Jesus will help you! He has given you everything you need to live a Holy and Pure life for him!

We just need to be more careful with what we are eating. With what we are watching, listening to, reading, and indulging in.

Also I want you to remember that indulging in sexual sin (or any sin) is so not worth it. What good is a little "fun" if then after you are going to be sick for several days? (with guilt and shame and knowing that you shouldn't have done that) Its not worth it!

Remember that list that we made earlier? I want you to remember that even though it seems like we can't have a lot of things, the list of things we CAN have is SO much longer then the things we can't!!

Stay strong in Jesus!

All for Jesus!

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